Sunday, June 30, 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019

Character Quotables Day 7

What I Did: Day 7 (Excerpt)

“Child, I tell you the man is a tall handsome drink of water.  He is very easy on the eyes.  He is a dark chocolate glass of milk and I’m thirsty.  You hear me, but not as thirsty as some of these fast tail girls we got running around her.  They be lined up to shake his hand after church.  You should see the line.  I mean can’t nobody else get to him to say hello.  That Kimberly Drake and Lela Rhineholt are the worst of the two.  I mean don’t nobody want Kimberly with her 4x4 behind.  And… don’t nobody want Lela with her work-a-holic demanding behind.  They both need to go sat down somewhere.”

Ramona listened to her friend drone on for a few minutes.  “Leona, tell me about the services for Resurrection weekend.  I tired of hearing about fast tail women.”

“Well, I think the whole weekend is a bit much, but they’ve been talking it up.  It’s all nonsense if you ask me.  We just need to have Sunday service, and go on home.  You remember Reverend Oliver Craig.  I liked him.  Girl, he was a blessing.  I sure miss him… Anyway… Reverend Craig had Sunrise service and breakfast.  That was the best years.  I mean that daggum breakfast was too much work, but I enjoyed the times.”

Ramona shook her head as she took the phone from her ear and sat it down on the table next to her.

After about three minutes she picked it back up.  “Leona, the services.  Girl, please.  I’m getting tired and all this talking is making my head hurt.”

“Girl, sorry.  You know how I am.  I get to running off at the mouth.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Anyway, the services.  Well, Friday night is going to be a musical.  They supposedly have choirs and singers coming from all over the place to come sing.  We ain’t had a good musical in a while.  It might be good, as long as folk don’t try to sang ten songs, one after another.  I mean, sing your two songs and sat down.  We don’t need 48 revamps either.  But, that’s just me.  Saturday, we’re having a Seven Last Sayings service.  It should be good, but child, tell me this.  Who has this service on a Saturday? Didn’t Jesus say those things on Friday night?  Just backwards.  But, that’s how they wanted it.  Don’t even make no sense.  But, ain’t nobody ask me.  Apparently, there will be some soloists to sing and some noted up and coming preachers from the city to preach.  It’s supposed to be good.  And you know about Sunday.  I hear there are gonna be dancers, singers, poetry, and all kinds of pomp and circumstance for the service.  I know one thang… that youngin betta preach like he trying to save everybody in the church or else.  I wanna hear a good word to shout me happy.”

Ramona let Leona’s voice fade out of her head, as she thought about her quandary… How was she going to talk her sister into letting her go to all three services at the church?  She knew her sister was concerned about her health.

What I Did: Day 7

JuNoWriMo Daily Goal Met (Day 7)


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Character Quotables Day 6

What I Did: Day 6 (Excerpt)

Brock had been trying to be a better friend to Boyd, but it wasn’t easy.  The church that he pastored was big and it had been a daunting task to meet the entire leadership of the church, not to mention, all the members who wanted to speak with him.  There was more than one occasion when a meeting with a deacon had gone sideways and he had to confide in Boyd, but Boyd would say something spiteful and walk out on the conversation.  Brock admittedly hadn’t handled those moments well, but he didn’t feel that it was his full responsibility to be the one to reconcile the two of them all the time.  What was Boyd’s responsibility when most of the time, it was him who started something between the two of them.

It was wearing on Brock’s nerves.  He was started to regret asking Boyd to come with him.  The moments when Boyd was a friend had been few and far between.  Most of the time, Boyd complained, and he hadn’t taken advantage of any of the people he had been introduced to at the church.  Boyd was just a drain at the moment.

It had been worse for the past few weeks since Brock had been focusing on the Resurrection weekend events.  He hadn’t even seen Boyd the whole week.  Boyd hadn’t been at church on that Wednesday.  Brock reached out to him and asked if he wanted to go to the mall in the hope of trying to make some kind of amends so that his mind could be clear to focus on the sermon for Sunday.  He still hadn’t gotten a clear view of his sermon.  He was just praying that God would give him something.

It was moments like this that Boyd would help him come up with something.  Boyd was good at saying something that was inspiring or thought provoking, and it would help him come up with a sermon.  But, Brock was scared to even talk about it with his friend.  That hurt Brock’s heart more than he wanted to admit.

What I Did: Day 6

JuNoWriMo Daily Goal Met (Day 6)

Yes... First day that I met the goal!